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* netTypes.h --
* This defines the types and contants for the networking software.
* Copyright 1985, 1988 Regents of the University of California
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/net/RCS/netTypes.h,v 1.6 91/03/30 17:19:02 mgbaker Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _NETTYPES
#define _NETTYPES
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <netEther.h>
#include <user/net.h>
#include <syncTypes.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <netEther.h>
#include <net.h>
#include <kernel/syncTypes.h>
#include <kernel/fs.h>
* This define is used by the net module in maintaining routing
* information. It is needed by other modules that maintain state
* about the various Sprite hosts.
* Maximum number of network interfaces a host may have.
* Constants defining the different types of packets.
#define NET_PACKET_ARP 0x2
#define NET_PACKET_RARP 0x3
#define NET_PACKET_DEBUG 0x4
#define NET_PACKET_IP 0x5
* Scatter/gather vector element. The network output routines take
* an array of these elements as a specifier for the packet. This
* format lets clients of the network module save extra copies because
* they can leave data objects where they lie. The done and mutexPtr
* parts are used to wait for the packet to be truely output. The
* mutex is released while the packet is output.
typedef struct {
Address bufAddr; /* In - Buffer address */
int length; /* In - Size of the buffer */
Sync_Semaphore *mutexPtr; /* Private to net module.
* Used to wait for output. */
Boolean done; /* Out - set when I/O completes */
void ((*callBackFunc)()); /* Call-back to say when
* we're done sending packet. */
ClientData clientData; /* Client data to pass to call-back. */
} Net_ScatterGather;
* Statistics - the ethernet drivers record the number of occurences
* of various events.
typedef struct {
int packetsRecvd; /* # packets received of any type */
int packetsSent; /* # packets sent of any type */
int packetsOutput; /* # packets output of any type */
int broadRecvd; /* # broadcast packets received */
int broadSent; /* # broadcast packets sent */
int others; /* # packets between two other machines */
int overrunErrors; /* # packets received with overrun errors. */
int crcErrors; /* # packets received with CRC errors. */
int fcsErrors; /* # packets received with FCS errors */
int frameErrors; /* # packets received with framing errors */
int rangeErrors; /* # packets received with range errors */
int collisions; /* # of collisions on transmissions */
int xmitCollisionDrop; /* # of packets dropped because of too many
collisions. */
int xmitPacketsDropped; /* # transmitted packets that are dropped */
int recvPacketsDropped; /* # transmitted packets that are dropped */
int matches; /* # of address match packets */
int recvAvgPacketSize; /* average size of packets received */
int recvAvgLargeSize; /* ... of more than 100 bytes */
int recvAvgSmallSize; /* ... of less than 100 bytes */
int sentAvgPacketSize; /* average size of packets sent */
int sentAvgLargeSize; /* ... of more than 100 bytes */
int sentAvgSmallSize; /* ... of less than 100 bytes */
int bytesSent; /* Total number of bytes transmitted. */
int bytesReceived; /* Total number of bytes received. */
} Net_EtherStats;
* Statistics for the UltraNet interface.
typedef struct Net_UltraStats {
int packetsSent; /* Number of packets sent. */
int bytesSent; /* Number of bytes sent. */
int sentHistogram[33]; /* Histogram of bytes sent
* (1K buckets). */
int packetsReceived; /* Number of packets received. */
int bytesReceived; /* Number of bytes received. */
int receivedHistogram[33]; /* Histogram of bytes received
* (1K buckets). */
} Net_UltraStats;
* Statistics in general.
typedef struct Net_Stats {
Net_EtherStats ether;
Net_UltraStats ultra;
} Net_Stats;
* Structure that defines a network interface.
typedef struct Net_Interface {
char *name; /* Name of the interface. */
int unit; /* Unit number of device. */
Address ctrlAddr; /* Address of control register. */
Boolean virtual; /* Is ctrlAddr in kernel VM? */
int vector; /* Interrupt vector generated by
* device. */
/* Initialization routine. */
ReturnStatus (*init) _ARGS_((struct Net_Interface *interPtr));
/* Output a packet. */
ReturnStatus (*output) _ARGS_((struct Net_Interface *interPtr,
Address packetHeader,
Net_ScatterGather *scatterGatherPtr,
int scatterGatherLength, Boolean rpc,
ReturnStatus *statusPtr));
/* Handle an interrupt. */
void (*intr) _ARGS_((struct Net_Interface *interPtr,
Boolean polling));
/* Reset the interface */
void (*reset) _ARGS_ ((struct Net_Interface *interPtr));
/* Perform ioctls on interface. */
ReturnStatus (*ioctl) _ARGS_((struct Net_Interface *interPtr,
Fs_IOCParam *ioctlPtr, Fs_IOReply *replyPtr));
/* Get performance statistics. */
ReturnStatus (*getStats) _ARGS_((struct Net_Interface *interPtr,
Net_Stats *statPtr));
int number; /* Interface number. */
Net_NetworkType netType; /* Type of interface. See below. */
int flags; /* Status flags. See below. */
Sync_Semaphore syncOutputMutex;/* Used to wait for packets
* to be output. */
Sync_Semaphore mutex; /* Protects network interface board
* and related data structures. */
int maxBytes; /* Maximum transfer unit
* (packet size) */
int minBytes; /* Minimum transfer unit. */
/* Packet handler for network device driver. */
void (*packetProc) _ARGS_((struct Net_Interface *interPtr,
int packetLength, Address packetPtr));
ClientData interfaceData; /* Place for the interface routines
* store store stuff. */
ClientData devNetData; /* Place for the network device
* driver to store stuff. */
Net_Address netAddress[NET_MAX_PROTOCOLS];
Net_Address broadcastAddress; /* Broadcast address for this
* interface. */
} Net_Interface;
* Flag values for Net_Interface.
#define NET_IFLAGS_RUNNING 0x1 /* The interface is active. */
#define NET_IFLAGS_BROADCAST 0x2 /* Interface supports broadcast. */
#endif /* _NETTYPES */